What is Gas Pain? What Is Good For Gas Pain?

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The condition that occurs as a result of the bacteria in the air settling in the stomach or intestines while eating is called gas pain. In case the said air cannot be expelled, the accumulated and compressed air manifests itself with severe aches and pains in the human body.

Gas pain, which is seen in almost every age group, is more common in infants and women. This condition, which is not taken very seriously by people, causes very important diseases.

The situation of removing gas accumulation, which is seen as embarrassing for most society or people, is actually very beneficial for health. Digestive diseases are likely to occur as a result of pains that cannot be thrown out when necessary. gas pain, which manifests itself in the form of cramps and severe contractions, negatively affects human life.

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What is Gas Pain in Babies?

The gas pain symptoms, which are frequently experienced especially in newborn babies, are similar to the pain experienced by adults. The pain that occurs when the air fills the digestive system while feeding with breast milk or a bottle causes troublesome moments for babies and parents. Gas pain, which manifests itself with crying in babies, continues with movements such as pulling the legs to the abdomen. It is also seen that babies clenched their fists in this situation, their faces become red and their bellies swell.

What are the Causes of Gas Pain?

  • As a result of eating fatty foods or carbohydrate foods, the work of the intestines slows down. Therefore, the problem of constipation arises. Constipation is one of the most important factors that creates gas pain.
  • Some people have hypersensitivity to certain nutrients, and as a result of sensitivities, gas pains are experienced due to indigestion in the stomach or intestines.
  • Gas pains can be seen, especially in the winter months, as the cold feet or the abdomen will cause colds.
  • People who have the habit of eating fast, gas pain complaints are quite common. This is because when eating fast food, air exchange is done more than necessary. This situation, which causes excess air to accumulate in the body, causes gas formation and pain.
  • Pains and contractions in the uterus during menstrual periods in women can cause gas accumulation in the lower abdomen. In this case, it causes gas pains.
  • Diseases such as intestinal inflammation or irritable bowel syndrome are diseases that negatively affect the excretory system. When the gas accumulated inside cannot move freely due to these diseases, gas pains occur.
  • Some foods cause gas due to the high amount of carbohydrates in their content. When these foods are consumed in excess, the amount of gas in the body increases and gas pains occur. These foods are; cabbage, lentils, onions, beans, cauliflower, broccoli, apples, raisins.
  • Some foods cause gas formation in the body when they are reheated rather than cooked. These foods are; rice, potatoes and pasta.
  • Complaints of gas pain are seen more frequently, especially in recent years, due to the inactivity of human life.
  • It can also be seen due to harmful habits such as alcohol or smoking.
  • Consumption of fibrous foods more than the required amount, swallowing large and unchewed foods, and consuming foods that have expired also cause gas formation in the body and subsequently gas pains.
  • Gas pains are also seen in cases such as consuming too much milk and dairy products, consuming acidic or sugary drinks.

What are the Symptoms of Gas Pain?

  • Severe abdominal pains and cramps,
  • Burning and flatulence,
  • Swelling and feeling of fullness in the abdomen,
  • Contractions in the abdominal and groin areas,
  • Difficulty in breathing due to contractions
  • The abdomen is larger than normal,
  • Difficulty defecating
  • The formation of heavy and bad odors,
  • Conditions such as nausea and sweating.
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How Is Gas Pain Diagnosed?

It is normal for people to pass gas or burp during the day. However, if the burping and flatulence behavior is frequent and it reaches disturbing dimensions, it is absolutely necessary to seek help from a specialist doctor.
  • Diagnosis, it is necessary to investigate very well what causes this situation. The medical history and nutritional habits of the patient who applied to a specialist doctor with the complaint of gas pain should be checked.
  • Physical examination is a procedure that should definitely be done to patients who have applied with the complaint of gas pains. The patient’s abdomen should be rested with a stethoscope and a check should be made whether there is any movement.
  • Whether the pain is caused by any disease should be decided after the urine and stool analysis. In fact, if a more advanced disease is suspected, examinations such as MRI, CT or colonoscopy may be requested.

What Is Good For Gas Pain?

There are some herbal products that are used in gas pain complaints, babies, children and adults. The use of chamomile tea and fennel tea in infants and children relieves pain. In adults, the use of ginger, cumin, fennel seeds, cinnamon and baking soda reduces gas pains and relieves the patient.

Gas Pain Treatment Methods

If gas pain occurs for a short time, it can be treated with simple methods applied at home. However, if it lasts for days and affects the life of the person negatively, drug treatment should be started by a specialist doctor.

Gas Pain Treatment in Babies

  • The complaints of gas pain in babies fed with breast milk are less than babies fed with formula.
  • In order to prevent the formation of gas pain in babies, flatulence should be done after each feeding process.
  • In addition, mothers should consume gas-producing nutrients as little as possible in order to prevent gas formation, especially in infants fed with breast milk.
  • Massaging the back or stomach of babies with pain with olive oil or putting a warm cloth will also make it easier for the baby to pass gas.
  • Swaying the baby with gentle movements and taking him around on the lap also helps him relax and pass gas.

Gas Pain Treatment in Children and Adults

  • First of all, adults should avoid gas-producing foods and drinks or consume very little amounts.
  • The only application for gas pains caused by consuming too much milk is to consume lactose-free milk.
  • Consuming plenty of water in cases of gas pain facilitates digestion and helps alleviate gas pains.
  • As soon as
  • gas pain symptoms start, the use of chamomile tea and mint tea soothes the stomach and intestines. Drinking chamomile or mint tea once or twice a day relieves cramps caused by gas pains.
  • Chewing a few cumin seeds so that the accumulated gas in the body can be removed more easily also helps relieve gas pains.
  • Ginger and pumpkin are also effective in gas accumulation and pain.
  • If gas pain persists despite taking all the precautions, a specialist doctor must be examined and drug treatment must be started.
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