It is the disease picture before cirrhosis. It is an important disease. There is a risk of death. It is seen in approximately 40% of patients who consume alcohol for a long time. The patient may not have any complaints. This situation is more dangerous for the patient as it can be misleading.
Because the patient; He does not realize that he is sick. In some patients, yellowing of the eyes, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, weight loss are observed. In this case, the patient is now aware of the health problem and applies to the doctor.
In the examination of the patient, enlargement of the liver is detected (80-100%). Fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity (ascites), yellowing of the eyes, fever, enlarged spleen, and liver coma may occur.
In mild forms, liver enzymes may be normal or slightly increased. ALT may be slightly elevated or normal. The AST is often elevated. The AST/ALT ratio is greater than 2.
Bilirubins, ALP, GGT are variable, can be high or normal. An increase in white blood cells (leukocytes) is seen in the blood.
The outcome of the disease is related to the severity of liver damage and whether or not alcohol use continues. If alcohol consumption is stopped, the disease regresses within 8-24 weeks and almost returns to normal in 6-12 months. If alcohol intake continues, it is reported that it progresses to cirrhosis within 24-42 months.
However, we cannot say that cirrhosis does not necessarily develop as a result of cessation of alcohol. However, in these patients, cirrhosis is encountered in 20% of cases at the time of diagnosis. In some patients, liver functions deteriorate rapidly, liver failure and death may occur. As can be seen, continued alcohol consumption leads to increased damage to the liver.