What is Cirrhosis? Cirrhosis Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

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Cirrhosis is the irreversible damage to the liver. Cirrhosis has different causes and symptoms. These reasons may affect the treatment.

Depending on different diseases and causes, different levels of damage can occur in the liver. If this damage continues, irreversible changes may occur in the structure of the liver. Over time, the liver hardens, shrinks and becomes unable to function.

Irreversible damage to the liver is called cirrhosis.
Liver cirrhosis; bleeding, jaundice, accumulation of fluid in the abdomen (ascites), infection, accumulation of toxic wastes in the body, and coma. At this point, the only life-saving option is to replace the diseased liver with a healthy liver. However, the patient’s life can be saved with organ transplantation.

What Are The Causes Of Cirrhosis?

There are different causes of cirrhosis. The most common causes are:

  • Viral infections (Hepatitis B, C),
  • Alcohol,
  • Exposure to toxic substances (eg herbal or medicinal drugs, accumulation of copper or iron in the liver)
  • Liver damage lasting for years with blockade of the biliary (biliary) system

Obesity and or diabetes
If the cause is not removed or treated in time, cirrhosis will occur and it is often too late to change the course of the disease.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Cirrhosis?

Symptoms of cirrhosis, in which normal liver cells begin to differentiate and the liver loses its functions, can be divided into early and late stages.

Early symptoms:

Extreme weakness, tiredness, drowsiness, yellowing of the eyes and urine (mild jaundice), swelling of the feet, itching, anemia (low hemoglobin level/ anemia).

Late symptoms:

He may experience many life-threatening complications such as vomiting blood, fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity (ascites), easy bruising and bleeding tendency, dark urine, confusion, coma, intense jaundice, kidney disorder and liver cancer.

Living With Cirrhosis (Dos and Don'ts)

siroz nasıl tedavi edilir Although cirrhosis means irreversible damage to the liver, a person with an early stage of cirrhosis (Child A or early Child B) can lead a highly active life for many years with appropriate treatment by liver specialists. On the other hand, advanced (Child C stage) cirrhosis indicates the need for liver transplantation for which expert opinion should be sought.

Detailed evaluation with a liver specialist is required to grade the disease and determine appropriate treatment.

Regular liver function tests and monitoring should be performed every 1-3 months in early cirrhosis and every 1-4 weeks in advanced cirrhosis. The frequency of check-ups is determined by your doctor depending on the symptoms and severity of the disease.

In chronic liver disease, a healthy diet is crucial for optimal liver function. Contrary to popular belief, except for the presence of severe jaundice, the digestive system of patients can function normally until the very advanced stages of liver disease.

Therefore, the need to completely avoid fatty foods and proteins in all types of liver disease is not quite true. This misinformation among the public can cause many liver patients to be deprived of food, lose weight and deteriorate their health faster.

There are also drug treatment options that your doctor deems appropriate for hepatitis B and hepatitis C-induced cirrhosis.


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Although cirrhosis means irreversible damage to the liver, a person with an early stage of cirrhosis (Child A or early Child B) can lead a highly active life for many years with appropriate treatment by liver specialists.

On the other hand, alcohol should be avoided at all costs in advanced (Child C stage) cirrhosis, specialist, alcohol-induced cirrhosis, and alcohol should be limited in all other types of cirrhosis, especially hepatitis C.

Excessive physical activity should be avoided, especially in viral cirrhosis. However, this does not mean constant and mandatory bed rest.

It is recommended to maintain a reasonable level of movement and activity. Contact sports should be avoided in advanced stages of cirrhosis due to insufficient blood clotting and bleeding tendency.

Since the liver is insufficient, drugs used randomly can damage the liver and the whole body. For this reason, the use of any medication, vitamin, supplement product should be avoided without consulting a doctor.

Is Cirrhosis Contagious?

The contagiousness of cirrhosis depends on the factor. If the agent is hepatitis b c and d, they can be transmitted in their own way, as we shared with you in the previous videos.

Apart from that, there is absolutely no contagiousness in hepatitis d, fatty liver, primabiliary colonitis, primasilazan colitis and other causes.

Cirrhosis can briefly say that if there are no viral factors, it is not contagious.

What Causes Cirrhosis?

Viral hepatitis is the most common cause of liver cirrhosis in our country. When we say viral hepatitis, hepatitis b virus c virus and d virus. The second frequency is alcohol use, and the third is fatty liver disease.

Fatty liver is now a part of liver transplant patients.

Later causes, which we call metabolic causes, wilson’s disease with excess copper in the body, and liver cirrhosis can be seen in the tables we call chromatosis with excess iron.

If we count among the rarer causes, in the diseases we call primaztican colonic primarbidia colongic, which is caused by the inflammation of the bile ducts in the liver, liver cirrhosis occurs in the later period.

Drug use is among the rarer causes. The drug, which we call methotrexate, which is used especially in rheumatic diseases, may be the cause of liver cirrhosis in long-term intensive use.

Is Cirrhosis Cancer?

Cirrhosis is definitely not cancer. However, an increased risk of cancer in the later stage of cirrhosis is not seen in every patient with cirrhosis, but liver cancer can be seen in some patients with cirrhosis. That’s why we routinely screen our patients with cirrhosis for liver cancer risks twice a year.

Is Cirrhosis a Deadly Disease?

The contagiousness of cirrhosis depends on the factor. If the agent is hepatitis b c and d, they can be transmitted in their own way, as we shared with you in the previous videos.

Apart from that, there is absolutely no contagiousness in hepatitis d, fatty liver, primabiliary colonitis, primasilazan colitis and other causes.

Cirrhosis can briefly say that if there are no viral factors, it is not contagious.

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